The ideal email investigation and sDiscovery software tool for users.


  • Email Threading
  • Cluster Map Technology

Intella uses a range of features to bring complex investigation and email search within the reach of anyone with reasonable computer skills. Using our visual Cluster Maps to help identify data linkages. Features such as keyword analytics and email threading help you drill down through the data to find exactly what you are looking for.

  • Highly user-friendly interface and index of market-leading speed.
  • Insight Analysis feature lists the most notable user, system, and Internet artifacts, simplifying finding important data and improving examination time and thoroughness of any investigation.
  • Search and preview email, attachments, archives, headers, documents, embedded images, cellphones, and metadata.
  • Index forensic image files E01/Ex01/L01/Lx01/AD1/ ISO and DD and FTK images. Support for Windows and MacOS file systems, GPT and MBR partitions, ISO, and others.
  • Multiple search visualization options including Intella’s unique.